Deleting sales invoice vs. credit memo?
Deleting sales invoice vs. credit memo?
Posted by DSC Communities on December 14, 2016 at 11:12 am-
Lorilee Scott
MemberDecember 14, 2016 at 11:12 AM
I’ve been adding sales invoices. On one customer I added 1 too many and rather than create a credit memo, I deleted it. Now, when I look at the customer’s ledger entries, the extra sales invoice amount still shows up even though it doesn’t show up as a posted sales invoice. Is there a way to undo the entry on the ledger? Also, when is using delete appropriate?
Lorilee Scott
Central Colorado Water Conservancy District
Greeley CO
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Kaela Hayes
MemberDecember 14, 2016 at 12:34 PM
The only way to get “rid of” sales invoices is to created a credit memo or a journal entry
Search -> General Journals
Date Account Description Debit Credit
##/##/#### Sales Credit Credit Invoice $$$$
Customer Card # Credit Invoice $$$$
Then apply the invoice to the Journal entry or credit memo. NAV is designed for auditing purposes. Everything is supposed to be trackable.
Kaela Hayes
Accounting Assistant
T&D Metal Products
Watseka IL
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Franz Kalchmair
MemberDecember 14, 2016 at 12:45 PM
with posting the sales invoice according ledger entries are created. they are not removed when removing the posted sales invoice. that’s standard nav behavior. posted documents should not be removed.
create a credit memo to correct the invalid posted invoice, copy the values from the cust. ledger entry.
Franz Kalchmair
Dynamics NAV Engineer and Consultant
Microsoft MVP
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With recent versions, NAV allowed the activity of deleting the posted documents. As has been noted, this does not removed the various ledger entries that were posted. As a Controller, the removal of posted documents is troubling and should not be done. This is a feature you should restrict using permissions. Hopefully Microsoft will remove this ability at some point or restrict its ability to some degree.
Dave Wiser
Beckwith & Kuffel
Seattle WA
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Soren Smith
MemberDecember 15, 2016 at 3:20 AM
Good morning,
You have been giving 100% correct answers so far with regards to the postings; but I would like to correct a misconception amongst the answers.
The only entries there have any required to have is the G/L Entries.
Not the Customer Ledger Entries, nor the posted documents.You can create and post an invoice directly from a Gen. Journal, which in turn will not create a Posted Invoice, but only the ledger entries.
From a legal point of view you are required to be able to reproduce any issued Invoice/Credit memo upon request; but that can equally be done by a paper copy and in some countries even a secured PDF document. The latter do however require traceability against entries in G/L; but again – No requirement to hold detailed posted documents in the system.
Because of this NAV allows you to delete posted documents as you please.
Kind regards
Soren Smith
Nielsen & Partners Ltd
Cape Town
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Michelle Berry
MemberDecember 15, 2016 at 7:47 AM
Delete should never be an option; in accordance to audit standards it is best to have traceability where the in meets the out with the use of trail codes; this reduces the red flags which can be raised at audit.
ERP systems are sub ledger driven and feed the General Ledger once a source document has been deleted the General Ledger does not have the source document [backup] which made the initial transaction.
Also, I have found that a deletion in source document can hinder the entry id which is generated by NAV internally and eventually a hiccup can happen where in older releases the system will gain strange alerts and technically commonly has to support.
Michelle Berry
Anveo GmbH
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Nick Sears
MemberDecember 15, 2016 at 9:46 AM
We had this happen a few years ago when a sales invoice was mistakenly deleted by hitting one of the function keys. One thing we learned is there are “ledger entries” and “detailed ledger entries” in NAV. I feel like we created a journal entry to correct this because a credit memo would have shown up on both the customer’s “ledger entries” and “detailed ledger entries” when we only wanted it to show up on the “detailed ledger entries”. Then we ran jet reports and several trial balances to make sure everything was in harmony and balanced out.
Nick Sears
Latshaw Drilling
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All the answers are good but you still have the problem that you have a customer ledger entry that needs to be cleared. And you have a duplicate invoice that was posted through to the GL. So you need to clear the customer ledger entry and make reversing GL entries. I would recommend a general journal as follows:
Line 1 – account type = customer, account no.=customer no., document type = credit memo, amount=amount of that duplicate invoice
Lines 2..n account type = general ledger, account no=various as needed to reverse all entries, document type = credit memo, amounts=ass needed to reverse duplicate invoice.
Once posted, you can go to the customer ledger and apply the credit memo to the invoice.
Hope this helps.
Kim Dallefeld
NAV Consultant
Ft Worth, TX
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