BC 3 Amigos Podcast #20 – BC 3 Amigos talk about the NEW 1099 Functionality
BC 3 Amigos Podcast #20 – BC 3 Amigos talk about the NEW 1099 Functionality
BC 3 Amigos Alert! 👉 The new BC 3 Amigos Podcast #20 is here. The Amigos dove headfirst into 1099’s and talk about the new functionality and features. If you have not heard or read about the new 1099 functionality, take a moment to listen to this podcast. If you are looking for an instructional BLOG about the new functionality, here is one created by Kim Dallefeld, our Amigo 👍 – https://kimdandnavbc.com/setting-up-and-maintaining-vendor-1099s/
We also had fun talking about the upcoming Summit Roadshow and DUG Meetups and Regional Meetups. Lastly, if you have not registered for Summit or Dynamicscon, the BC 3 Amigos have a Discount Code you can use. Register early for the lower prices and apply your discount code.
Podcast Recording: https://youtu.be/7_W_i1EVB-0
Expect to see some amazing Business Central topics in 2025 and other guests.
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You will like our banter and fun discussions. Yes, we are a little crazy, a little fun, and provide instruction and knowledge on Business Central. If you combine all the years Kim, Robb, and I have been in the community, it’s between 60-70 years. Check Us Out and visit us for a good laugh and take away some BC knowledge.
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