Advanced Warehouse Bin not Pickable

  • Advanced Warehouse Bin not Pickable

    Posted by Nick Mushovic on December 20, 2024 at 9:45 pm

    I’m testing out advanced warehouse. I have a bin setup as pick and put away. I create a bin with the content of an inventory item with a unit of measure. I used the warehouse journal to add inventory bin and used the item journal to post the inventory. The bin at the location has inventory. When I create an SO and a Warehouse Shipment, I try to create a Pick, but it says nothing to handle. I used the pick summary and it say there is qty in the warehouse, but 0 in a pickable bin. If I setup the always create pick line on the location card, I can create the pick, but I have to choose the bin and I can register the pick. Without this option selected though, it won’t create a pick. Why are the bins that are setup as put and pick not showing up as pickable?

    Nick Mushovic replied 1 month, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Nick Mushovic

    December 21, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    After hours and hours of fighting with this I figured it out. My Bin Type Code for my PUT and Pick bins used an “&”, PUT&PICK. I changed it to PUTPICK and now I have items in Pickable bins.

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