WEBINAR TODAY! Virtual Presenting Tips and Tricks from You AllStars!

  • WEBINAR TODAY! Virtual Presenting Tips and Tricks from You AllStars!

    Posted by Jo deRuiter on July 16, 2020 at 8:15 am
    • Jo deRuiter


      July 16, 2020 at 8:15 AM

      Hint!  We will be including stories from our own presenting nightmares, should be fun!

      We will be covering hardware and software that make for great companions for presenting and presentations in general as well as tips and tiricks on format and even the psychology of learning to present remotely and in person!

      If you want to hone your presentation skills, then this is for you!

      and myself

      We are all super excited to bring you this webinar!
      (unfortunately Frank has been called away and won’t be on this one, but we are definitely including his ideas!)

      Are you interested in virtually presenting for GPUG?  Are you now required to virtually present in your new functions working remotely?  Do you want to start a how-to You Tube Series?

      The All-Stars that are part of this presentation will detail out some of their best tips and tricks for presenting (successfully) in a remote environment.

      Click here to register and for more information: https://dcigpugportal.cobaltsaas.com/Meetings/Registration/MeetingDetails.aspx?mid=8230be37-ec67-48ae-825a-ea32f8159e66

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      Belinda Allen Belinda Allen is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for Power BI (MVP). Belinda is currently the Business Intelligence and Training Programs Manager for the Azure Cloud based SaaS ERP offering, PowerGP Online and the author of 2 books on Business Intelligence and Microsoft Dynamics GP.
      View this on Cobaltsaas >




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