Invoice Descriptions

  • Invoice Descriptions

    Posted by DSC Communities on August 28, 2019 at 5:14 pm


      August 28, 2019 at 5:14 PM

      Can anyone tell me where the field “description” exists in the tables? We are wanting to possibly use this field for some SQL reporting but have been unable to find it anywhere so far. I’ve used the table finder feature and I’m coming up empty.


      Clipper Distributing Company
      Saint Joseph

    • Kerry Hataley


      August 28, 2019 at 5:29 PM

      Hi John,
      Here are the tables / fields you need…
      OPEN- RM20101 / TRXDSCRN
      HISTORY – RM30101 / TRXDSCRN

      Kerry Hataley
      CEO & President
      Nanook Software, Inc

    • Jo deRuiter


      August 29, 2019 at 8:25 AM


      Unfortunately, out of the box and with no help there is no real place to find the SQL Column to GP Field relationships or names.

      I’ve always used a site called DynDeveloper by the wonderful to help me. 

      There’s the free version, but if you subscribe at $10.00 per month it opens up a WORLD of open-source notes and integer values on each table and field that can really assist you in any GP SQL Work, especially if you are just starting out working with GP.

      Here is the link.  Again, there’s the free and then there’s the awesomeness of the $10.00 per month.

      Here’s a screenshot of some information you get on the RM Transaction above:

      ??I don’t work for DynDeveloper, but it is true awesomeness that many in this community help keep up with, making notes on fields etc.

      Good luck with your project!



    • Blair Christensen


      August 29, 2019 at 10:31 AM


      We had to try to find this for putting together ACH files for our bank, and it’s not as simple as it should be.  I suggest looking at Victoria Yudin’s view (, because the description is actually in the same table, but linked to the original transaction via the Apply Document Number.

      Blair Christensen
      Database Administrator
      Oppenheimer Companies, Inc.
      Boise ID

    DSC Communities replied 5 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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