Checkboxes gone in GP on Remote Desktop Server

  • Checkboxes gone in GP on Remote Desktop Server

    Posted by DSC Communities on September 9, 2019 at 2:50 pm
    • Steve Erbach


      September 9, 2019 at 2:50 PM

      Dear Collaborators,

      We recently started the process of switching from GP being run on individual workstations to using GP in a Remote Desktop environment. We’re on a shakedown cruise to ensure that all of our 3rd party apps work properly.

      One thing I didn’t anticipate: on at least one of our workstations, checkboxes in GP windows don’t appear:

      When the user clicks on “Picking Tickets”, the appropriate options are enabled in the “Picking Tickets” box below… but at no time does the user see any checkboxes.

      I had her (Diana) carefully click on the items she needed so that she could print what she normally prints… but, like, where did the checkboxes go, eh?

      Diana is running Windows 10 Pro. This didn’t happen to her in the local workstation install of GP.

      Any ideas?


      “Sparkly” Steve Erbach – Green Bay, WI
      Co-Chair, GPUG WI (Green Bay) Chapter

      Excel Webinar List as of 22-Mar-2019

    • Sheila Reed


      September 9, 2019 at 3:59 PM

      We experience this when running GP client on a laptop with the GP application open and then remote desktop connecting from another laptop.  
      The graphics (notably, checkboxes) seem to generally disappear.   Try shutting down your GP client app and restarting GP client app from the remote desktop.
      Hope this helps. 

      Sheila Reed
      Business Applications Support Analyst

    • Steve Erbach


      September 11, 2019 at 9:45 AM


      Thank you for responding! It sounds like you’re saying that if someone is running GP from a desktop workstation while someone else is running it from the RDS, that that might be the cause of the checkbox anomaly, is that right??

      I’m going to find out if my user’s office mate has the same issue. They all know that we’re having a shakedown cruise in switching over to running GP from the RDS.


      “Sparkly” Steve Erbach – Green Bay, WI
      Co-Chair, GPUG WI (Green Bay) Chapter

      Excel Webinar List as of 22-Mar-2019

    • Jo deRuiter


      September 9, 2019 at 4:16 PM


      This happens when a user has modified their resolution on the machine and/or used the Screen Magification in Windows Display Settings to something other than 100%.  There are some work-arounds including right clicking the GP Icon, go to Properties, Compatibility, Change high DPI settings, click to override high dpi scaling behavior performed by System.

      Some people also have to run it with Windows 8 Compatibility.

      This will allow people to see GP without needing to alter the resolution on their machines, and if it is an RDP then she may have her RDP set to get resolution from her workstation.

      But, it boils down to resolution on the screen



    • Jeff Pfershy


      September 9, 2019 at 6:24 PM

      Hi ,

      I wonder if this could be resolved with the Windows Bitmap Scaling Settings in GP Power Tools? might know 🙂

      We have 60 users that connect to a GP on a terminal server, and one user had an issue with buttons and boxes around fields not showing up – only when she displayed on a (huge) external monitor?. She had no issues when displaying on her laptop. Since then I enabled the GPPT feature, but she’s on vacation so I haven’t found out if it worked for her. I also enabled the bitmap font settings in this window, and the users love that they can actually read what’s in the GP windows without squinting.

      GPPT settings

      ?If GPPT doesn’t take care of this, then I’d go with ‘s solution!

      Jeff Pfershy
      Sr Business Analyst
      BluJay Solutions Inc
      Holland MI

    • Steve Erbach


      September 11, 2019 at 9:49 AM


      Trying out your suggestions after 9:00 today!

      Thank you,?

      “Sparkly” Steve Erbach – Green Bay, WI
      Co-Chair, GPUG WI (Green Bay) Chapter

      Excel Webinar List as of 22-Mar-2019

    • Steve Erbach


      September 11, 2019 at 9:51 AM

      Very interesting, . I’m going to try out your suggestions after 9:00.

      I’m also going to check the settings on the PC of the user’s office mate who’s not having any trouble.

      I’m looking forward to your remote presentation at the Green Bay (Titletown, USA) Chapter meeting next week!


      “Sparkly” Steve Erbach – Green Bay, WI
      Co-Chair, GPUG WI (Green Bay) Chapter

      Excel Webinar List as of 22-Mar-2019

    • Amber Bell


      September 11, 2019 at 12:43 PM

      The fix for screen resolution is a little different for Remote Desktop. This worked for me:

      Amber Bell
      Training Dynamo LLC
      Twitter: @trainingdynamo

    • Steve Erbach


      September 11, 2019 at 2:15 PM


      Now that will take some study! I have no qualms about registry entries, but I’ve never had to make a manifest file other than in Visual Studio.

      I’ll let you know how it goes. Thank you.

      P.S., Why don’t you post something in the “LESLIE VAIL RETIRING” topic?


      “Sparkly” Steve Erbach – Green Bay, WI
      Co-Chair, GPUG WI (Green Bay) Chapter

      Excel Webinar List as of 22-Mar-2019

    • Mike Bresnan


      December 22, 2020 at 4:43 PM

      Late to the party here, but we are having this issue as well. GP 2018 on a remote server. it seems to happen to one user randomly (according to her) but others have it when they undock their laptops, or move the remote desktop pane between monitors.

      Amber your linked site seems to be gone, have they moved? or does anyone have that blog post saved anywhere?

      I’m trying out Jo’s fix as we speak

      Mike Bresnan
      Arabella Advisors
      Washington DC

    • Amber Bell


      December 22, 2020 at 6:12 PM

      I found an archived version of the blog post here:

      Let me know if that helps!

      Amber Bell
      Training Dynamo LLC
      Twitter: @trainingdynamo


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