
  • 1095-C

    Posted by DSC Communities on January 17, 2017 at 4:08 pm
    • Renee Spangler


      January 17, 2017 at 4:08 PM


      We started the HR module of GP Dynamics 2013 at the beginning of 2016 with the primary purpose of tracking info for the ACA reporting on 1095-C.   We have all employees entered with dependents.   When printing the form, it is not showing any of the dependents on the 1095-C.  Am I missing a step or anyone else having that problem?  One other problem I have in this regard is for a few employee’s are not showing up as their own dependent for health insurance.  Is there an easy way I can make that work? Assistance would be much appreciated.

      Thank you,

      Renee Spangler
      BendTec, Inc.
      Duluth MN

    • Chris Hadden, CPP


      January 17, 2017 at 5:24 PM

      Hi Renee,

      Were the dependents recently marked as ‘covered’, or was this done early in 2016? The timing of when they were marked as ‘covered’, and what the system date in GP was marked as on that date, definitely can impact this.

      I haven’t seen situations where certain employees are not showing up as covered individuals, so hopefully someone else can weigh in on that.
      Were these employees all enrolled in the coverage?

      Chris Hadden, CPP
      Technical Sales Manager
      Greenshades Software
      Jacksonville FL

    • Terry Heley


      January 18, 2017 at 7:22 AM

      In testing this year, I have found an issue, only in the dependent area, part 3 where the employee self may not be printing.  This is happening for employees that were “not touched” in the 2016 year or worked for you in the 2015 year.  As Part 3 does, we should carry over this information from the 2015 record, right now that does not seem to be happening.  We are releasing a January Hotfix next week that will correct this dependent issue.  I will blog about the release and what other fixes will be in it.

      Terry Heley

      Terry Heley
      HR/PR expert
      west fargo ND

    • Brent Myrick


      January 17, 2017 at 5:33 PM

      Hello Renee.  We had the same problem.  To resolve the issue, please select the employer provided self-insured coverage box.  This is located near the bottom of the print w-2 window. 

      This option is what tells the system to print dependents. 

      I hope this helps you.

      Brent Myrick
      IT Application Specialist
      City of Ellensburg
      Ellensburg WA

    • Teri Carpenter


      January 18, 2017 at 3:17 AM

      Hi, you need to check the box on the 1095 print screen that indicates you  are self insured.  If you can see the dependents in the W2 edit screen under the Dependents button and you’ve check the self insured box they should show up on the forms. 

      Teri Carpenter
      TD Carpenter & Associates, Inc.
      Toledo OH

    • Renee Spangler


      January 18, 2017 at 12:24 PM

      Thank you for everyone’s input and assistance!  I did check the self insured box and now dependent information is showing up. Yay!  However, also now all employees of the past are being issued a 1095.  I saw there was a fix for that somewhere, but now that I am looking I have not found it. 

      One thing that is still a problem is we have a few employee’s that do not show up as self.  I am not able to edit the 1095 and add them either.  Is there a fix for this?

      Thanks again for the support!

      Renee Spangler
      BendTec, Inc.
      Duluth MN

    • Terry Heley


      January 18, 2017 at 1:23 PM

      Here is my ACA blog, we did add dependent on the fly for GP 2015 and GP 2016 if you are on that version, I have it noted in the doc attached.
      Also in my doc are notes about inactive and things you can do.

      We pull them all to the year end table, but if it is all zero they do not print, we pull them so you can edit them if need be in that edit W2 window.
      Microsoft Dynamics GP Year-End Update 2016: Affordable Care Act (ACA) – Microsoft Dynamics GP Community

      Terry Heley
      HR/PR expert
      west fargo ND

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