Open the RMA Closing window. Transactions > Returns Management > RMA Closing
Select a way to view the RMA documents. To view all open RMA documents, select All.
Select the M (Marked to Post) check box to have this RMA show up on the preview report or to close it. Click Mark All to choose all RMAs available for closing.
If the RMA line is a kit item, enter information in the Repair Cost and Repair Price fields. When a kit item is marked for closing, the related kit items also are closed, even though they are not displayed in this window.
Click Preview to print a preview of the items selected for closing. Select the P (Print) check box to include a detailed report of the records posted during the closing process.
Click Post.
Only those RMA documents that have been selected as Ready To Close in the RMA Entry/Update window will appear in the RMA Closing window.
Please note:
This action will also remove this member from your connections and send a report to the site admin.
Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete.
You have already reported this .
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