Reply To: GP Fixed Assets Mass Retirement issue

  • Jo deRuiter

    January 26, 2024 at 9:14 am


    What steps are they taking in the mass retirement? It can be finicky and if you do not correctly setup the select assets area then it will not retire the assets.

    Paste in some screenshots, but I would start with the Select Assets window, highlight the new Group they had to create to do it and at the bottom of the window change Show All to Show Selected and you’ll see if there are actually any assets in that group.

    Creating an Asset Group is the only way to mass retire so this step must have been done. It is quite possible – as I’ve done this myself – to mess up creating the group.

    So let us know if the group is right and we can troubleshoot from there.

    Kerry’s answer to check the calendar is also valid as having a mid-quarter or other non-monthly averaging convention can keep this from happening. Check the averaging convention and if any of them are setup to anything to do with quarters you’ll have to go into Setup>Fixed Assets>Calendar and setup the quarters for the years in question.

    Let us know if this does not answer the question and we’ll keep plugging away at it.

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