select T.CUSTNMBR [Customer ID], C.CUSTNAME [Customer Name], C.CUSTCLAS [Class ID], sum(case when year(T.DOCDATE) = 2015 and month(T.DOCDATE) = 9 then T.Amount else 0 end) [Sep 2015 Sales], sum(case when year(T.DOCDATE) = 2015 and month(T.DOCDATE) = 9 and T.RMDTYPAL = 1 then 1 else 0 end) [Sep 2015 Invoices]
from -- all posted RM transactions, exclude voids (select CUSTNMBR, DOCDATE, GLPOSTDT, DOCNUMBR, RMDTYPAL, case when RMDTYPAL in (1,3,4) then (SLSAMNT + MISCAMNT - TRDISAMT) when RMDTYPAL in (7,8) then -1*(SLSAMNT + MISCAMNT - TRDISAMT) else 0 end Amount from RM20101 where VOIDSTTS = 0 union all select CUSTNMBR, DOCDATE, GLPOSTDT, DOCNUMBR, RMDTYPAL, case when RMDTYPAL in (1,3,4) then (SLSAMNT + MISCAMNT - TRDISAMT) when RMDTYPAL in (7,8) then -1*(SLSAMNT + MISCAMNT - TRDISAMT) else 0 end Amount from RM30101 where VOIDSTTS = 0) T
left outer join RM00101 C -- customer master on T.CUSTNMBR = C.CUSTNMBR
As a follow up to my SQL view for vendor yearly totals, here is something similar for customers. I have combined sales less credits/returns in one column, please take a look at the notes above the …
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