Reply To: Daily Digest?

  • Jeff Woodard

    May 10, 2023 at 9:41 am

    Add another up-vote here too. Some e-mail preferences are available under your user profile | Account | Email Preferences, but not the daily digest. As a user in 3 different UGs, I’d rather get them once per day.

    Another suggestion would be to add an FAQ page with direct links to things like:

    • E-mail Preferences
    • Community Standards
    • Report a problem
    • Support request / open a ticket
    • Find people to connect to
    • How to join a group
    • Where to find academy courses
    • Types of content available (discussions / webinar recordings / training / marketing)
    • How to add users (sub-accounts)

    We signed up for the corporate membership a few weeks ago, I sent out the invitation e-mail to them, but none of our users knew to go to the Community group page and click the Join button.

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