Reply To: On hand BOM inventory

  • Kelly Gustafson

    March 20, 2023 at 10:48 am

    Hi Jolly – that’s an interesting topic and it comes up quite a bit! The reason it’s interesting is because there are so many ways to view inventory (Site, warehouse, location, serial number, batch number, etc) that it is really hard to come up with a report that shows directly how much inventory is available overall.

    On the Production order, you can view an Explosion and see physical inventory for each item within the BOM at the scheduled Site/Warehouse level.

    Navigate to a Production order. In the Action pane, navigate to the View tab and click on Explosion under Requirements.

    From there, a screen will open up that shows all BOM items on the Production order. Click on Critical on-hand inventory to get a view of Physical inventory (note – it only shows for the Site specified on the Production order).

    I hope this helps!

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