Tracking SN & Lot

  • Tracking SN & Lot

    Posted by Elizabeth McQuiston on February 21, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    I get the following error when attempting to turn on Lot Tracking “You cannot change Item Tracking Code because there are one or more ledger entries for this item.” Is there any way around this? We did not track lots on this item before but want to start. Is the only way to create a new part number (really don’t want to do this).

    Richard Corona replied 12 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Richard Corona

    February 21, 2024 at 1:47 pm

    Usually, if there was no item tracking code on the item master before turning it on, you should be able to enable it. If you had one prior, it’s not likely you’ll be able to change it or add a different code after the fact.

    You will likely need a new item card.

    – Senior Functional Consultant

  • Lewis Rosenberg

    February 21, 2024 at 5:10 pm

    Hello Elizabeth!

    The textbook answer is to create a new item with tracking turned on or rename the current item and then recreate the item number you are using. Of course, that will split your history and an item rename can take a long time.

    A developer can help you turn tracking on but first you must remove all inventory and remove the item from all open orders, etc. After that a developer can write a quick process report to turn on tracking. Then you can add all of your inventory back into the system, including tracking information that was not in the system before and then you can add the item back to any orders.

  • Chris Warren

    February 21, 2024 at 6:50 pm

    Ah… this brings back a lot of ‘fun’ memories I had when I took over our NAV instance 6-7 years ago.

    We had a very similar situation, where we needed to change practically all of our item tracking codes. Some items weren’t tracked that needed to be, and other items (think screws, nuts, washers) were item tracked and no one knew why.

    @Lewis_Rosenberg Is correct with what he said. But we didn’t want to create all new item cards, and essentially have duplicates in the system with one being item tracked, and the other not. So we had our Partner write a report that would update the item tracking code using the process that Lewis mentioned. But there are a lot of things to take into account:

    • You have to bring that item to zero quantity for this to work
    • Before you bring the item to zero, run an Inventory Valuation Report.
    • Do an item journal to bring the inventory to zero
    • Run the report on that item to update the tracking
    • Put the item back in using an Item Journal with all respective lot or serial numbers
    • Run “Adjust Cost – Item Entries”
    • Run an Inventory Valuation to ensure your Inventory Value didn’t change
    • Perform a revaluation if necessary to get it back in balance.

    And if you are using Warehousing, you will want to ensure your warehouse location is set up to your liking. There is a setup that you need to enable if you want to track at the Zone/Bin level. Otherwise, it just shows what lots/serial are at a location, and not where each lot/serial can be located within the warehouse.

    It took me a week with 4-5 people to get our inventory straight with the proper item tracking and ensure it didn’t mess up our financials. We now have a process in place when we create items, we do an analysis of what actually needs to be tracked, so we don’t run into this issue again.

  • Elizabeth McQuiston

    February 23, 2024 at 8:37 am

    Thank you @richcoronagmail-com @Lewis_Rosenberg @chris-warren for your responses, at least there is a way to solve this, albeit not a quick and easy fix. Truly appreciate your help!

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