Role Center Screen

  • Role Center Screen

    Posted by Chris-Soraparu on January 23, 2018 at 8:46 am
    • Chris Soraparu


      January 23, 2018 at 8:46 AM

      Can the Role Center screen be customized so that some of the info in the Activities Tab be specific to an individual sale person? This way the can focus on their sales quotes, orders, and shipments.

      Chris Soraparu
      Tri Star Metals LLC
      Carol Stream IL

    • Cynthia Priebe


      January 23, 2018 at 9:17 AM

      If you are putting the Salesperson code on these documents, it would not be a difficult customization to copy the existing profile to create a new one and customize it to filter on the salesperson code associated with the User.

      I think it would take some dev, more than can be accomplished by configuration of the role center.

      Cynthia Priebe, MCTS, DCP
      Senior Business Analyst and Project Manager
      Liberty Grove Software

    • Naveen Jain


      January 23, 2018 at 9:52 AM

      If Salesperson is the criteria to select the orders then open the Sales Orders list, Filter on Salesperson Code (add more filters as needed for that user) , click on the “Save View As” on the salesperson’s NAV and he/she is all set to see the salesperson list of sales orders. Same you can do with shipments etc. to create user specific filtered list.

      Naveen Jain
      Director of IT
      Symbex Companies
      Santa Fe Springs CA

    • Cynthia Priebe


      January 23, 2018 at 9:57 AM

      is correct that saving views is an excellent option that the user can do without any customization or configuration required.

      I may not have been clear in indicating that the customization I was referencing was for filtering the records included in the Cues in the Activity part of the Role Center. 

      Cynthia Priebe, MCTS, DCP
      Senior Business Analyst and Project Manager
      Liberty Grove Software

    • Chris Soraparu


      January 23, 2018 at 10:16 AM

      Thank you for the great answers. I have set up many filters to customize my views and they work great. I’m just trying to understand the purpose of function of the Role Center. As it is right now I don;t find it very useful or informative. Maybe I’m missing something.

      Chris Soraparu
      Tri Star Metals LLC
      Carol Stream IL

    • Naveen Jain


      January 23, 2018 at 10:43 AM


      Advantage of Role Center is given user access to the information needed and allowed to them. Role Centers allows you to define permissions by their roles. Also users will ONLY see what they are allowed and everything else is hidden to them. 

      It provide role driven information on the main screen (role center). For example all the Cues on the Sales Order Processor Role shows all the orders related summary on the main page. Even Trailing Sales Orders Cue shows the graph and you can view/change based on your need without customization although full uses you will see if you add your own cues/role centers based on your need.

      Naveen Jain
      Director of IT
      Symbex Companies
      Santa Fe Springs CA

    • Eduardo Diaz


      January 23, 2018 at 9:56 AM

      Hi Chris,

      Your can customize the Role Center by roles or by individual. I highly recommend starting by role and then by individual. To customize it by role, simply make a shortcut of NAV and call it “ORDER MANAGER” as an example. Then go to its properties and add the below command under Target. This will open the Role Center in Configuration mode. Try to make it as user friendly as possible by eliminating unnecessary icons. Any changes will be rolled out to all users in that role.

      “C:…Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe” -configure –profile:”ORDER MANAGER”

      To customize it by individual, show them how to get to the “Customize…” options. This is available in all pages. They can always click on Restore Default to bring any changes back to your standard role center.


      Eduardo Diaz
      IT Director
      Minequip Corp.
      Miami FL

    • Ramin Marghi


      January 23, 2018 at 11:45 AM

      Hey Chris,

      Warning: I’m Canadian, so don’t be shocked if I spell it as “Role Centre“! 😛

      Role Centres absolutely can be tweaked and enhanced — first and foremost, however, it’s important to understand that the Role Centre is a Page and that page has other pages (“Page Parts”) on it. So, if we were to look at, say, the Order Processor Role Centre Page (#9006), we’d see that it has a bunch of these Page Parts nested within it:

      Pay attention to the first Page there — it’s the SO Processor Activities page. Anywhere you see the “Activities”, it’s tied to the Cues on the home screen.

      That SO Processor Activities page (#9060) is the page to display FlowFields on the Sales Cue table (#9053). With me so far?

      The Sales Cue table has a bunch of FlowFields tied to filter fields in the table. I’ve highlighted a few below:

      So when you open the SO Processor Activities page, it runs functions that set these filters. An example below shows it setting the Responsibility Center Filter field:

      So, in essence, if you wanted to do what you’re describing, you’d add a new field called “Salesperson Filter” to the table, create a new function, let’s call it “SetSalespersonFilter” that basically mimics the above, but rather goes to the User Setup for the current user and pulls the Salespers./Purch. Code field and sets the Salesperson Filter field to that value. Then you’d effectively need to add that filter to the FlowFields above:

      In an ideal world you would try to minimize your customization footprint, so to avoid mucking around with too much base — I think you’d want to:

      a) Create a new Role Centre page (Tri Star SO Role Centre);
      b) Create a new SO Processor Activities page (Tri Star Sales Activities);
      c) Modify the existing Sales Cue table, but create new FlowFields for your Open Sales Quotes and Orders, as well as add in the SetSalespersonFilter function to that table;

      A few gotchas here:

      1. The Salesperson Code isn’t by default on the User Setup page, so you’d need to either add it to the page or run the table directly to set this for users;
      2. You’d need to be diligent in ensuring that every current and future salesperson is set up with a Salesperson Code in their User Setup (it’s not mandatory to even have a User Setup, so this can get missed);
      3. You’d also need to decide what they see if there is either no User Setup or Salesperson Code associated with them (Do they see none? Do they see all?)
      4. You’d need to create a new Profile called “Tri Star Salesperson”, associate it with the newly-minted Role Centre, and then associate your sales force to that Profile;

      Hope that helps!

      Ramin Marghi , CPA, CGA
      CPA, CGA | ERP Consultant
      Catapult ERP

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