AP Checks in Alpha Order

  • Ashley Rupp

    June 12, 2023 at 3:00 pm

    This is out of the box functionality now. Before cutting checks you can use any columns to sort so you can sort the column you want and then print them

  • Eric Mielke

    June 12, 2023 at 3:19 pm

    In testing that I have done, you can sort the list but the checks will always print in the order of the line number that is assigned to each line. You need to add the lines to the payment journal in alphabetical order if you want to print in that order. I’m not aware of any way to tell the system to print in alphabetical order after the lines have been added to the payment journal.

  • David Wiser

    June 14, 2023 at 10:53 am

    After testing, I found that if you reorder the payment journal by description (which holds the vendor number) and then add sequential document numbers, the checks will print in alpha order. The journal appears to first look at sorting by document number and then line number. The system will replace the manually added document number with the check number after printing (which is line number order), but the print job should be in alpha order.

    Don’t use the “Renumber Document Numbers” function as that numbers then in line number order. You need to manually enter document numbers in the print order. Painful if there are lots of checks, but it works.

    • Eric Mielke

      June 14, 2023 at 12:14 pm

      Thanks for the update David, I was able to replicate that on my end as well. Definitely a pain for large check batches, but still a great tip.

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