Reply To: Flowfields only when not blank

  • Jonathan Delfraisse

    February 6, 2024 at 6:51 pm

    Hello. Thank you for your reply!! The problem I am having is the result of the FlowField.

    I have taken a screenshot of an example. They are from the same page, but the one on the left was “ran” from the Development Environment and the other was from a “List page” (Edit / View). Usally when you click the 3 dots next to a FlowField, it will use the same fields as filters in the list page of the lookup. But it only shows the second filter. The FlowFilter works when I run the table from the Dev Env. as well (only showing a value if the one field is not blank).

    I had an idea as I was typing the above. I switched the order of the two filters. I put the filter <> ” first then the field = Other. Now it seems to be working. <crazy!!!!>

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