Reply To: Allocations (not reservations) Issues – Business Central

  • Steven Chinsky MVP

    January 26, 2024 at 8:55 am

    @tracytrippler – I know how you feel. Yes, the Link from SO demand to the PROD Order is removed after the Item is manufactured and Prod Order finished. I have had several customers pull their hair out because of this. May I suggest a solution that has help other customers of mine who Allocate inventory and have priorities they want to consider… Look at Cavallo Order Management APP. For decades, in the NAV and BC world, we have to live with Reservations and trying to manage Orders, Customer Priorities, and supply and demand. I have always wished their was a way to just Allocate or provide an Allocation rule to NAV/BC. I then was asked to look at Cavallo Order Management and it answered the missing functionality. Take a look:

    I do have one underlying question though, when your Item is Make-to-Order and the Sales Order links to the Production Order, after creating the Prod Order, you might consider that Item have a reservation since it will stick with the Item Output and transfer to picking Bin for shipment. You might not want reservations, and I understand, so look at Cavallo.

    Hope this helps.


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