Reply To: Shipment Number of (Lanham) Bill of Lading?

  • Ronald L McVicar Jr

    May 23, 2023 at 3:19 pm

    This is really an experiment and I used ChatGPT and by setting the context from the original question and that the base ERP system is Microosft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

    Request to ChatGPT:

    regarding Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central “…a way for the Shipment Document Number to appear on a Lanham Bill of Lading (without a modification)”?

    ChatGPT Response:
    In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, the Shipment Document Number can be displayed on a Lanham Bill of Lading without making modifications to the system by utilizing the available customization options. Here’s a general approach to achieving this:

    1. Open the Lanham Bill of Lading report layout in the Business Central development environment (AL Language).

    2. Locate the section of the report layout where you want to display the Shipment Document Number. This can typically be found in the header or footer sections of the report.

    3. Add a new field or text box in the desired location.

    4. Set the data source of the new field to the Shipment Document table (typically, the table is called “Shipment”).

    5. Bind the field to the Shipment Document Number field in the data source.

    6. Adjust the formatting and positioning of the field as per your requirements.

    7. Save and publish the modified report layout.

    Once these changes are implemented, the Shipment Document Number will appear on the Lanham Bill of Lading report whenever it is generated.

    Please note that these instructions assume a basic understanding of report customization in Business Central using AL Language. It’s always recommended to consult with a developer or an experienced Business Central consultant for specific guidance related to your system and version.

    I hope this is helpful and if not please forgive this experiment.

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