Reply To: US Sanctioned Country Rule

  • Jacob-Brown

    April 4, 2023 at 12:57 pm

    Hi Russell,

    There is standard functionality that’s described in this article: Working with Restricted Products in Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations | Stoneridge Software. Also, not trying to plug my company’s products, but just wanted to let you know that Armanino has a bolt-on product that addresses this. The main difference between the standard feature and our product is that you can apply country-based restrictions to all products at once. There might be other ISVs that address this requirement as well.

    Here’s a description of Armanino’s product:

    The Limited Distribution Product Matrix (LDPM) is a mechanism to control the distribution of products based upon restrictions identified by regulatory affairs, marketing, manufacturing, logistics or quality. This feature provides the ability to restrict picking and shipment based on the requirements specified within the LDPM. These requirements include preventing shipment of products to specific countries but allow for a manual override to allow shipments for approved uses.

    When a sales order line is created, the system checks the LDPM setup table to determine whether the item, customer, country or warehouse is listed. If a match is found, the system then automatically puts that sales order line on hold to prevent the user from creating a new picking list, posting a packing slip, or whatever restrictions have been placed by the sales line hold type used by LDPM. Also, depending on the address type on the LDPM setup rule, the system looks at ship to country, bill to country, end customer country, or all three.

    When a sales order line is created for any sales order type, the LDPM setup form is checked to determine whether the item, customer, country or warehouse is listed. If a match is found then the system automatically places the sales line on hold, using the sales line hold type specified for LDPM. This prevents the user from carrying out the sales transactions (confirm, pick, ship, and/or invoice) specified for that hold type – unless the Exclude checkbox is marked for that LDPM record. However, if the sales line quantity is negative, no LDPM checking will be performed.

    Based upon your company’s compliance practices you may choose to allow lines to be edited to allow shipment to a particular customer or country. This requires releasing the hold on the sales order line. Once the hold has been removed, the sales order line can be picked, shipped, and invoiced. The line will not go on LDPM hold automatically multiple times. This means that once the line has been released it will not go on hold again automatically if the line address is later changed.

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