Reply To: Interesting dilemma on post-go live intro of traditional Interco order mgmt

  • Steve Emmons

    January 5, 2024 at 10:31 am

    Hello Zvirka,

    The “early implementation” decision to load a distinct Product ID for each Released Product ID, unique by legal entity (even though the Product is shared and visible across legal entities) predates me, unfortunately. I believe that it may have been, at least in part, due to a desire to model the legacy systems’ use of a similar concept to the external item ID for intercompany order processing.

    The business went live with an intercompany order processing approach that leveraged the EDI integration, sending a purchase order out of the demand legal entity, through EDI as an 850, and into the supply legal entity using the external item ID as the “link”

    There’s now a desire to roll that decision back, and use standard intercompany, particularly due to a forthcoming initiative for the creation of a new legal entity where intercompany ordering will also be performed. We have a hard “no” on the idea of reimplementing released products across legal entities with a common (shared) Product, and to the best of my knowledge, there is no way (safe or otherwise) to decouple a released product from an existing product and re-associate it to another product given the risk of, among other things, violating possible storage/tracking dimension setup variances, compromising transactional history, etc..

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