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Tax Functions Microsoft D365 Users Can Automate with Vertex

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Every hour spent updating tax content in D365 systems is an hour lost on other, more important parts of your business. Rather than having your tax and IT teams spend precious time on manual tasks — like visiting Department of Revenue websites to track tax changes or uploading all D365 instances with updated tax content — you can automate these processes (and more) by integrating a Vertex tax engine with your Microsoft D365 applications. This guide reviews the functions you can automate for each solution, including:

  • An introduction on how a Vertex tax engine streamlines tax for Microsoft users 
  • Vertex for Microsoft D365 Finance & Supply Chain 
  • Vertex for Microsoft D365 Business Central
  • Vertex for Microsoft D365 Commerce  
  • Vertex for Microsoft D365 Sales 
  • As well as a short summary about the Vertex and Microsoft Partnership 

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