Dynamics Communities

AI Copilot Report

What's Inside

This analysis is based on findings from the AI Copilot Digital Summit that ran at the end of August 2024, featuring Microsoft AI executives, Copilot Studio, Data and Copilot for Security product leaders, users sharing real-world use cases, and Microsoft AI Copilot MVPs defining how they are building and using Copilots in production.

If you are considering, new to, or optimizing a Copilot for your business, this report will detail some of the biggest learnings from the digital summit and serve as a powerful tool in your journey to using these assistants to reimagine your business, processes, and even your role in your industry.

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Here you will find a wealth of information created for people  that are on a mission to redefine business models with cloud techinologies, AI, automation, low code / no code applications, data, security & more to compete in the Acceleration Economy!