Sales Tax Reports with both Schedule and Detail

  • Sales Tax Reports with both Schedule and Detail

    Posted by DSC Communities on March 13, 2017 at 2:32 pm
    • Anne Provost


      March 13, 2017 at 2:32 PM

      I am looking for a sales tax report that will give me sales period reports that include both the Tax Schedule with the Tax Detail in a sort of parent/child relationship. 

      For example:

      Tax Schedule
              comprised of Tax Detail 1
                                    Tax Detail 2
                                    Tax Detail 3

      So that I can easily complete various states’ sales tax returns that are structured with

                State rate
                Local rate
                Transportation rate
                Tax on breathing

      I cannot find anything in GP that will allow me to report that way.  Does it require a SQL view?  Has anyone invented one yet? 

      Any help will be much appreciated!!

      Anne Provost
      Chief Financial Officer
      TNR Technical, Inc.
      Sanford FL

    • Gerald Clement


      March 14, 2017 at 12:25 PM

      We do these sort of reports

      We develop using dexterity and report writer and will do fixed priced custom reports as well

      They are $ 1000 each plus 20% for annual maint

      Gerald Clement MBA
      Dynamics GP 1993, Dexterity 1995
      Computer Productivity Services Inc.

    • Victoria Yudin


      March 15, 2017 at 7:08 AM

      Hi Anne,

      Are you finding the Tax Detail Transactions SmartList not enough for this? The only thing it does not have is the Tax Schedule ID, but I find that if your Tax Details and/or their Descriptions are named in a consistent way, this is enough.

      As a side note, I can see there being an issue with adding the Tax Schedule to a report like this because GP does not store the Tax Schedules at the individual tax level and the actual taxes entered on a transaction may be completely different from the Tax Schedule that shows on a transaction.

      Victoria Yudin
      Microsoft Dynamics GP MVP 2005-2017
      Flexible Solutions, Inc.

    • Anne Provost


      March 17, 2017 at 9:48 AM

      I am open for suggestions on how to name the Tax Details so that I don’t need the Tax Schedule information.  The Tax Schedule is currently identified by State-County.  The Tax Details are the State, Local, Transportation, Education, etc. taxes that comprise the total taxes for each county. 

      Tax Schedule                                            SC-Spartansburg
             Tax Detail 1                                              SC-State Rate
             Tax Detail 2                                              SC-Local
             Tax Detail 3                                              SC-Transportation
             Tax Detail 4                                              SC-Education
             Tax Detail ETC                                         SC-ETC

      Some counties only need Tax Detail 1 (State Rate) assigned to them, others need more.


      Anne Provost
      Chief Financial Officer
      TNR Technical, Inc.
      Sanford FL

    • Nancy Edwards


      March 20, 2017 at 11:06 AM

      I don’t have an answer, but I am still chuckling about “Tax on breathing”. 🙂

      Nancy Edwards
      H&W Computer Systems, Inc
      Boise ID

    • Victoria Yudin


      March 21, 2017 at 5:49 AM


      You may have to use the Tax Detail Description, as there might not be enough space in the ID, but I am thinking for each tax detail that has to be in the county, you would add the county name (or abbreviation) to it. Then you could sort/group by that. 

      Another option is using either Extender or just SQL directly to create a mapping of what county includes what Tax Detail(s). Then you can create a custom report/SmartList that would group the taxes using this mapping.

      Also, for the states where we report on sales taxes, we don’t need to separately report on counties that only get the state sales tax. So we only have one Tax Detail for the state sales tax. But if you have to report on those separately, even if they’re only getting the state tax, you may consider creating separate tax details for the state portion of each county. That would be more work for setup and changing the rate when needed, but a lot easier for reporting.

      Another, completely different option if you have this going on in multiple states and it’s getting more and more complicated is to use a 3rd party like Avalara. They will calculate all of this automatically for you without any of this hassle.

      Victoria Yudin
      Microsoft Dynamics GP MVP 2005-2017
      Flexible Solutions, Inc.

    • Anne Provost


      March 23, 2017 at 9:46 AM

      Thanks Victoria.  I’ll check those options out. 

      Anne Provost
      Chief Financial Officer
      TNR Technical, Inc.
      Sanford FL

    • Leslie Vail


      March 24, 2017 at 6:23 AM

      I created a query that will, by document, identify the tax schedule id and each detail in the ID. The amount of the sale and tax for each of the details is also included.
      With this detail you can total by schedule. Do you want the schedule just so you can determine what state is associated with the detail?

      Leslie Vail
      Accounting Systems Consulting, Inc.
      Dallas TX

    • Anne Provost


      March 27, 2017 at 1:23 PM

      Nice!  I want the Tax Schedule so that I can see what Tax Details I need to report for each county.  Both the schedule information and the tax amounts would be awesome!

      Anne Provost
      Chief Financial Officer
      TNR Technical, Inc.
      Sanford FL

    • Leslie Vail


      March 27, 2017 at 6:42 PM

      I posted the query, but it didn’t show up on the forum. Here it is again. Voids have not been filtered out.

      SELECT ‘RM30601’ AS DbTable

      , RM30601.RMDTYPAL

      , RM30601.DOCNUMBR

      , RM30601.CUSTNMBR

      , RM30101.TAXSCHID

      , TX00102.TAXDTLID AS TXTaxDtl_ID

      , RM30601.TAXDTLID AS RMTaxDtl_ID

      , RM30101.ORTRXAMT

      , RM30101.TAXAMNT AS RM301TaxAmnt

      , RM30601.TAXAMNT AS RM601TaxAmnt

      , RM30601.TAXDTSLS

      , RM30601.ORTOTSLS

      , RM30601.TDTTXSLS

      , RM30601.ORTXSLS

      , RM30601.ORTAXAMT

      , RM30601.TRXSORCE

      , RM30601.ACTINDX

      , RM30601.STAXAMNT

      , RM30601.ORSLSTAX

      , RM30601.FRTTXAMT

      , RM30601.ORFRTTAX

      , RM30601.MSCTXAMT

      , RM30601.ORMSCTAX

      , RM30601.POSTED

      , RM30601.SEQNUMBR

      , RM30601.CURRNIDX

      , RM30601.BACHNUMB

      FROM RM30601

      INNER JOIN RM30101

      ON RM30601.CUSTNMBR = RM30101.CUSTNMBR


      INNER JOIN TX00102

      ON RM30601.TAXDTLID = TX00102.TAXDTLID

      /* AND RM30101.TAXSCHID = TX00102.TAXSCHID

      WHERE (RM30601.TAXDTLID <> ‘avatax’)

      AND (RM30101.TAXSCHID NOT LIKE ‘%exempt%’)

      AND (RM30101.TAXSCHID NOT LIKE ‘%outof%’)

      AND (RM30101.TAXSCHID NOT LIKE ‘%resale%’)



      SELECT ‘RM10601’ AS DbTable

      , RM10601.RMDTYPAL

      , RM10601.DOCNUMBR

      , RM10601.CUSTNMBR

      , rm20101.TAXSCHID

      , TX00102.TAXDTLID AS TXTaxDtl_ID

      , RM10601.TAXDTLID AS RMTaxDtl_ID

      , rm20101.ORTRXAMT

      , rm20101.TAXAMNT AS RM301TaxAmnt

      , RM10601.TAXAMNT AS RM601TaxAmnt

      , RM10601.TAXDTSLS

      , RM10601.ORTOTSLS

      , RM10601.TDTTXSLS

      , RM10601.ORTXSLS

      , RM10601.ORTAXAMT

      , RM10601.TRXSORCE

      , RM10601.ACTINDX

      , RM10601.STAXAMNT

      , RM10601.ORSLSTAX

      , RM10601.FRTTXAMT

      , RM10601.ORFRTTAX

      , RM10601.MSCTXAMT

      , RM10601.ORMSCTAX

      , RM10601.POSTED

      , RM10601.SEQNUMBR

      , RM10601.CURRNIDX

      , RM10601.BACHNUMB

      FROM RM10601

      INNER JOIN rm20101

      ON RM10601.CUSTNMBR = rm20101.CUSTNMBR

      AND RM10601.DOCNUMBR = rm20101.DOCNUMBR

      INNER JOIN TX00102

      ON RM10601.TAXDTLID = TX00102.TAXDTLID

      AND rm20101.TAXSCHID = TX00102.TAXSCHID


      WHERE (RM10601.TAXDTLID <> ‘avatax’)

      AND (rm20101.TAXSCHID NOT LIKE ‘%exempt%’)

      AND (rm20101.TAXSCHID NOT LIKE ‘%outof%’)

      AND (rm20101.TAXSCHID NOT LIKE ‘%resale%’)


      Leslie Vail
      Accounting Systems Consulting, Inc.
      Dallas TX

    • Leslie Vail


      April 5, 2017 at 2:00 AM

      Anne and I have modified the original query a bit and I changed the statement so that it would create a view. For anyone following along, I thought I’d attach the final (well, nothing’s ever ‘final’) copy of what we came up with.
      Kind regards,

      Leslie Vail
      Accounting Systems Consulting, Inc.
      Dallas TX

    • Anne Provost


      April 6, 2017 at 8:55 AM

      Thank you again Leslie!  I am now in the running with Sparkly Steve as to who is your biggest fan!!

      Anne Provost
      Chief Financial Officer
      TNR Technical, Inc.
      Sanford FL

    • Leslie Vail


      April 7, 2017 at 6:43 AM

      You guys are spoiling me. I love it. 🙂

      Leslie Vail
      Accounting Systems Consulting, Inc.
      Dallas TX

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