Purchase Order import using IM and multiple items

  • Purchase Order import using IM and multiple items

    Posted by Tammy-Chavez on May 4, 2017 at 6:35 pm
    • Tammy Chavez


      May 4, 2017 at 6:35 PM

      Good Afternoon,

      I am working on an integration to pull in PO’s (not customer related) using IM with eConnect and keep running into a Duplicate Order error.  Can anyone provide me with a sample source file/mapping?  I have two sources in my integration.  See screenshots below:

      Thanks in Advance.

      Tammy Chavez
      Senior Software Consultant
      LightHouse Business Information Solutions, LLC.
      Albuquerque NM

    • Charles Allen


      May 5, 2017 at 2:23 AM

      It looks like the PO Import data source could be the problem. Are you importing multiple purchase orders? Do you have grouping in your data source to ensure only one row appears per PO in the header data source?



      Charles Allen

      Senior Managing Consultant | BKD, LLP

      BKD Technologies

      Office 713.499.4629

      Cell 713.494.2104




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      ——Original Message——

      Good Afternoon,

      I am working on an integration to pull in PO’s (not customer related) using IM with eConnect and keep running into a Duplicate Order error.  Can anyone provide me with a sample source file/mapping?  I have two sources in my integration.  See screenshots below:

      Thanks in Advance.

      Tammy Chavez
      Senior Software Consultant
      LightHouse Business Information Solutions, LLC.
      Albuquerque NM

    • Tammy Chavez


      May 5, 2017 at 4:57 PM

      Hi Charles,  Yes I am importing multiple PO’s and they are grouped by the PO#  There are actually 13 total PO’s to be imported.

      Tammy Chavez
      Senior Software Consultant
      LightHouse Business Information Solutions, LLC.
      Albuquerque NM

    • David Joosten


      May 5, 2017 at 5:46 AM

      Have you defined a query relationship between PO Import and PO Line for the PO number? Also, if an item occurs more than once in the import, you will need to be sure that you have setup the IM options correctly to handle that.

      David Joosten
      Enterprise Architect
      Premier FMCG (Pty) Ltd
      Waterfall City

    • Andrew Kennedy


      May 5, 2017 at 8:01 AM

      It looks as if you have the same PO number repeated for different Vendor IDs.  The PO# will need to be unique per Vendor.

      Andrew Kennedy
      Principal Consultant
      Brecksville OH

    • Blair Christensen


      May 5, 2017 at 10:16 AM


      This is what I have used to import my PO’s.  I set up two tables: a header and a detail.  There is an extra key field in the detail that provides the link between the two for the integration.  Then you load the information from your source into the two tables, then match them up in the integration, link the header and detail, and you should be good to go.  (There are additional tables which could be linked in for extended information, but not many need them.)

      CREATE TABLE INTG.SalesOrderImportHeader (

      DocumentKey INTEGER NOT NULL --A unique identifier for just this record. Links to Detail

      , DocumentType INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 --{1: Quote, 2: Order, 3: Invoice, 4: Return, 5: Back Order}

      , DocumentTypeID VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL --Check your Document Types and assign this

      , DocumentNumber VARCHAR(17) NOT NULL --Sales Order/Invoice #

      , DocumentDate DATE NOT NULL --Document Date or system date

      , DefaultSite VARCHAR(10) --Default Site. If none do not set in Integration

      , BatchID VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL --Default Batch. I use a static one but you can dynamically create it

      , CustomerNumber VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL --Remember this must be the GP Customer ID!

      , CustomerName VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL --Customer Name

      , CustomerPONumber VARCHAR(20) --Customer PO Number (leave blank if none)

      , CurrencyID VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL --Check your Currency ID. Probably 'Z-US$'

      , TradeDiscount NUMERIC(19,4) --Invoice level Trade Discount

      , FreightAmount NUMERIC(19,4) --Invoice level Freight Charge

      , MiscellaneousAmount NUMERIC(19,4) --Invoice level Misc Charges/fees

      , PaymentAmountReceived NUMERIC(19,4) --Usually blank (payment comes later)

      , TermsDiscount NUMERIC(19,4) --Usually blank

      , TermsDiscountReturned NUMERIC(19,4) --Usually blank

      , CommentID VARCHAR(15) --Usually blank

      , CommentText VARCHAR(MAX) --Usually blank

      , Note VARCHAR(MAX) --Usually blank

      , GLReference VARCHAR(30) --Usually blank

      , IntegrationFlag INTEGER --{0: Ready to integrate, 9: Integrated Successfully, 1-8: Various intermediary stages/error conditions}



      CREATE TABLE INTG.SalesOrderImportDetail (

      DocumentKey INTEGER NOT NULL --Links back to Header

      , LineNumber INTEGER NOT NULL --Unique row number for this document

      , ItemNumber VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL --GP Item Number

      , UnitofMeasure VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL --Unit of Measure (see UofM Schedule)

      , ItemQuantity NUMERIC(19,4) NOT NULL --Quantity Sold

      , UnitPrice NUMERIC(19,4) --Unit Price (if known)

      , ItemDescription VARCHAR(100) --Item Description

      , ExtendedPrice NUMERIC(19,4) --Unit Price (if known) * Quantity Sold

      , QuantityBilled NUMERIC(19,4) --Usually Blank

      , QuantityFulfilled NUMERIC(19,4) --Usually same as ItemQuantity

      , QuantityCancelled NUMERIC(19,4) --Usually Blank

      , QuantityBackOrder NUMERIC(19,4) --Usually Blank

      , QuantityToOrder NUMERIC(19,4) --Usually Blank NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS ITEMQUANTITY

      , UnitCost NUMERIC(19,4) --Unit Cost (if known)

      , DropShip INTEGER --Usually Blank {True/False}



      These should map straight across to the integration fields.  Then all you need to go is create something to load your data into this table and another to clear it out either before or after load.

      Blair Christensen
      Database Administrator
      Oppenheimer Companies, Inc.
      Boise ID

    • Jo deRuiter


      May 5, 2017 at 12:41 PM

      xzonrVp9QyenpYJigpYD_po 3.jpg

      I1EjMYSGSUKChFZ2DLgN_po 2.jpgX66RWPhYT5yuiSSVyzhl_po 1.jpg

      In both your PO Sources, mark “PO Number” as “Is Key” and ensure that in your query you link up all of the related fields between the two sources – but don’t use the “Group By” in the Source file settings.

      Jo deRuiter
      Lead Techno Functional Consultant
      Aisling Dynamics Consulting
      Canton GA

    • Tammy Chavez


      May 5, 2017 at 5:05 PM

      Tried this and now I don’t get 13 po’s  queried I get 241.  How do I get to do 13?  Also still getting the duplicate order error.

      Tammy Chavez
      Senior Software Consultant
      LightHouse Business Information Solutions, LLC.
      Albuquerque NM

    • Tammy Chavez


      May 5, 2017 at 5:29 PM

      Here are my settings for the PO import.

      13 Different PO’s

      241 Lines for all 13 PO’s


      Still get DUPLICATE ORDER message

      Tammy Chavez
      Senior Software Consultant
      LightHouse Business Information Solutions, LLC.
      Albuquerque NM

    • Jen Kuntz


      May 8, 2017 at 9:16 AM

      Hi Tammy,

      Two thoughts for you…

      1. On the error itself, that isn’t telling you there is a problem in your data to be imported, that is telling you those PO#’s already existing in Dynamics GP. Is there a chance any of your imports were successful and the PO#’s in your file are actually already in GP?

      One trick I’ve used in the past is to try to manually type one entry in, exactly as my data appears, and see what the error is in GP itself. There is the odd time when the error message you get in eConnect isn’t actually the real error. It doesn’t happen often but at times, you could be chasing your tail in one direction and only find out hours later the problem is something different entirely. By manually mimicking it in GP, using only the fields & mapping you have in your file, GP may show an error message.

      2. ON the linking between PO Header and PO Line, you don’t need to have a relationship between each field if the PO# is unique. You should only need to link from PO# in the Header file to the Line file and all the related lines would appear.

      Hope that helps.

      Jen Kuntz, CPA, CGA
      Microsoft MVP, Business Solutions
      Kuntz Consulting Inc.
      Cambridge, ON, Canada

    • Chris Donnelly


      May 9, 2017 at 7:52 AM

      Great advice from Jen.  That’s what I always do.  Also, here are a couple more things you can try…
      I would try removing all of the fields in your grouping except PO#.
      Go into SQL and see if you can find duplicate POs.

      Chris Donnelly
      InterDyn BMI
      Roseville MN

    • Tammy Chavez


      May 15, 2017 at 6:19 PM

      Happy Monday all!  

      I finally figured this out.  I had the Sequence line the same number for all items on the PO.  Once I changed it to be the same as the Line number (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.)  It worked beautifully!  

      Now on to the Receiving import.  YIKES!!!

      Tammy Chavez
      Senior Software Consultant
      LightHouse Business Information Solutions, LLC.
      Albuquerque NM

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