Reply To: Multicurrency posting error

  • Howard Blitstein

    March 6, 2024 at 10:50 am

    Thanks Tori for your reply. This is really a strange one. I have two physically separate instances of GP one being production and the other test. Test is essentially a clone of prod. The older batches that I cannot post in prod, post without a hitch in test! I’ve looked at all the setup of MC between the two and cannot see any difference. The only difference if the test environment is about three months out of date. The test environment was stage at the time we were testing the GP year end update. In production these batches give an error message that there are mutlicurrency errors and posting them throws them into Batch Recovery saying Transaction Edit needed(or something like that). No useful messages on the Edit list. Even though we are not seeing messages saying the Exchange rate is expired, could I update SQL to push the expiration date into the future to see what happens?

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